Saturday, March 04, 2006

Anti-Hero - Anything But Unpretty

Imagine Black Sabbath-esqe guitar riffs complimenting Joan Jett vocals stylized by a late '80s - early '90s Breeders-Hole sound and you have found Anti-Hero.

Hailing from London, Ontario, this rising band has already won several local music awards and is currently touring Ontario and Quebec.

The group consists of Rose Perry (vocals), Jesse Tones (guitars), Matty Cole (drums) and Nic Vanhaverbeke (bass).

With so much emo stylized music out there, its great to hear upcoming bands with some snarl and bite (see Death From Above 1979).

Have a listen to Anti-Hero's great blend of early grunge-punk. A lot of energy went into these tracks particularly Rose Perry's vocals - she rocks!

Unpretty MP3 (Unpretty 2005)
More Or Less MP3 (Unpretty 2005)
Two Worlds MP3 (Unpretty 2005)
Better Than U MP3 (Live)

Buy Unpretty from Emusic.

Anti-Hero Homepage


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey how's it going? Rose from ANTI-HERO here! Just came across your blog :) Thanx so much for your support. Can we swap links? I started a blog of my own

Rock on
Rose Perry

1:12 AM  

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