Johnny Hollow - Mission Accomplished
Goth is back and never been better.
Johnny Hollow is an exceptional up and coming musical act from Guelph, Ontario. This trio does it all (fiercely and fearlessly independent) with tremendous style.
A fairly accurate review was written on their debut album which can be read here.
Other accolades:
Johnny Hollow – the hauntingly beautiful trio of Kitty Thompson, Vincent Marcone, and Janine White, may be one of Indie music’s best kept secrets - stashed away in their own little Pandora’s box, where they like it nice and cozy and full of creative freedom and unbridled expressionism. (B&E Productions, 03/04)
It’s dark, it’s heavy (not in a Metal way, but heavy nonetheless) it’s sometimes uplifting, and at other times, deeply oppressive. The main vocals come from Janine, who has one of the most angelic ghostly voices I’ve ever heard (Urptsukidoji’s Pad webzine, Ontario, Feb 2004 Jeff Richardson)
This woman [Kitty] shows no respect whatsoever for what’s supposed to be done with the cello and it’s just lovely! (Andreas Nilsson, Moving Hands Music Magazine, Stockholm, Sweden May 2004)
Johnny Hollow isn’t only about music. The visual side is equally important. With sounds and images they paint their tales about madness and passion. Their website is pure visual extravaganza. (Funprox Webzine, Netherlands 02/04, Hans D).
Johnny Hollow. An artistic treasure trove, the music and artwork perfectly entwined, a group of people focused on atmosphere above all else. (Obskure webzine, Paris, France)
About the live show: “intensely beautiful and uniquely macabre” (Anna Fleet, audience member).
“ A wonderful head-f*k. Listen in Safety.” (Posted by Nash the Slash in the JH Guestbook, Jan 2005)
The band's award winning website is nothing short of spectacular. No less than 11 MP3 tracks are made available on their website but there is a catch. You have to correctly answer riddles in order to access the download links. The riddles, not unlike the music, require your focus and concentration.
Don't miss the band's cover version of People Are Stranger (The Doors) and the single Mary.
Love and Rockets/Bauhaus should be damn impressed. Proud also.
Hope to see the self-titled debut album more accessible on the Internet for us folks in the USA. How about getting the album on the US Itunes Store or Emusic?
Need a helpful hint regarding the riddles? Check out the comments.
Johnny Hollow has set out to change what is so wrong in today's commericalized industry that is killing originality in music. You can read more about that on their website.
So far, mission accomplished.
Johnny Hollow Homepage
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