Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Lovely Feathers - Hind Hind Legs

Where to begin?

Picture Stephen Malkmus meets Jarvis Cocker vocals backed by experimental Maximo Park-esque brit-pop.

Hind Hind Legs is a terrific sophmore effort (it is not a debut album as frequently misreported) from Montreal-based The Lovely Feathers. Read Pitchfork's review and Cokemachineglow's assessment. Critics generally agree that these guys are definitely on the rise.

Download and listen:
Rome is in the Valley MP3 (2006 - Hind Hind Legs)
Fudgicle MP3 (2004 - My Best Friend Daniel)

Buy Hind Hind Legs on Emusic. The album is nearly impossible to describe but equally impossible to ignore. Just listen and enjoy!

The Lovely Feathers' Homepage


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